We are announcing a new occasional market featuring vintage goods, plants, and jewelry plus food and beverages. We want you to know about this in case you’d like to sell some of your vintage or handcrafted goods OR you want to plan ahead for the next shopping opportunity. (For Twin Cities folks, Hutchinson is about 50 miles west of Hopkins via Hwy. 7 or Hwy. 212). Here are the details.
Dates: April 27 and 28, 2018
Hours: Friday 8-10 Early Bird and 10-6, Saturday 9-3
Place: Hutchinson, MN at the McLeod County Fairgrounds, 840 Century Ave. S.W.
Hosted by: Meshed Designs
Vendor registration deadline: Thursday, April 12
Admission: Free (except early bird shoppers on Friday who pay $15)
It sounds like a fun market and a good excuse for a drive in the country. Happy saling!